Another Holiday Sponsored By The Dividends Collected

The last trip I had to Seminyak, Bali was in December 2022.  This year in late August, I decided to make another short trip to Bali to chill for a few days.  As a self-proclaimed dividend investor, I am glad that this trip is once again sponsored from the dividends collected in the previous quarter.  No prize for guessing that the dividends come from the banks and REITs!

This trip is another solo trip.  For a start, I made use of my Dragon Pass via HSBC Travel1 Credit Card to gain complementary free access to the airport lounge at Terminal 4, and enjoy the laksa fix for brunch!  

 SG Laksa at T4

After the meal and short break, it's time to board the plane for the journey to Bali!  The flight took about 3 hours in total.  Clearing of immigration is smooth and fast.  Immediately after exiting, I went to the booth at the departure hall to pay the tourism tax, which is IDR 150K (SGD 12.71).  From the airport, taking the taxi or grab directly from the airport to Seminyak area will cost about IDR 150K as well.  However, I learnt from YouTube that all I need to do is just to walk a short distance to the nearby Harris Hotel (Kuta Tuban), the price will be much lower.  Indeed, after reaching the hotel, which is about 10 minutes walk away, I ordered a taxi using the local transportation app called "My Bluebird" and the total price from Harris Hotel to the hotel I stay cost only IDR 70K (a cross check using Grab app showed the cost to be around IDR 90K).

This time I stayed in Primera Hotel Seminyak.  It is a budget hotel with simple amenities, but at a good location in my opinion.  It is near to the beach, and near to Bintang Supermarket, surrounded by lots of cafe and eateries!  Without further ado, the holidaying starts.

For day 1, the first destination is lunch at Pak Malen Babi Guling (supposedly the best Babi Guling in Seminyak region).  Personally I think the novelty has worn off.  This time round, I find that meal is actually a little too oily, and very spicy.  I think I still prefer our own roasted meat rice back in Malaysia and Singapore.  I must say, I am quite happy to see Bali developing.  All the cafes and restaurants I patronized 2 years ago are still in operation today, and local eateries like Pak Malen even upgraded their shop till I have to spend 5 minutes finding where it is, even though it was right in front of me.  Totally unrecognizable!  For dinner I went back to Cafe Dunia, the same cafe I went to 2 years ago.  Dinner was seafood platter, and taste wise is ok, but nothing spectacular.

 Pak Malen

Babi Guling

Seafood Platter at Cafe Dunia

On day 2, I started the day with a pleasant breakfast at the Hut.  The dining area is on the second level (first floor is a small boutique which sells pastries for take-away as well), with beautiful architecture and ambience.  Decided to try their croissant due to raving reviews on Google.  The decision definitely did not disappoint, and I must say it is the best croissant I ever had!  Homemade hash browns were delicious too!  Overall a satisfying breakfast.  

The Hut

Amazing Croissant

 Delicious Homemade Hash Brown

After breakfast, I decided to stroll to the beach and then along the beach, from Seminyak beach all the way to Petitenget beach.  It was a rather chill and relaxing stroll, enjoying the soft sand, sea breeze, and seeing the dogs chasing one another.  Probably I stayed under the sun for too long, as after this stroll, I got myself slightly burnt.  

The Petitenget Beach

To escape the heat, I went to Seminyak village and flea market to take a look.  There is nothing much suitable for me, so decided to scout for lunch.  I walked passed Warung Cantik and decided to try it due to great reviews on Google.  It definitely did not disappoint as the tauhu goreng is superbly delicious!  I have never ever had such 'juicy' tauhu goreng before!  This meal is the best value and tasty meal for this trip!

Warung Cantik

Delicious Gorengs

At evening, I walked passed Bo & Bun and was attracted by 1 for 1 cocktail!  So I decided to have an early dinner and went in to have the Pho and 2 cocktails!  Pho was normal and the beef was a bit tough, but cocktails were nice and refreshing.

At Bo & Bun with 1-for-1 cocktails

The elaborate Spicy Pho

On day 3, I went to Grain for breakfast.  Everything in the big breakfast was good except poached eggs, as the yolk was overdone and not runny anymore, and the egg white tasted too vinegary.  It was quite disappointing as I had left the eggs for the last, only to end off the meal with a literal sour taste.  

 The Grain

Big Breakfast with Red Velvet Latte

Since it was the last full day I am spending in Seminyak, it is time for me to visit Bintang Supermarket to buy some local snacks home, especially the garlic peanuts that my family and aunt loved since I last bought it 2 years back.  In addition, since it's the last day, I shall feast more today.  I went to Master Crepes for dessert.  Initially I wanted to order one savory and one sweet crepe to try (as I wonder how a savory crepe will turn out), luckily I just ordered the crepe with cream cheese and strawberry.  The crepe is nice and it's huge!  If I ordered 2 I am sure I will not be able to finish it. 

Master Crepes

Strawberry Cream Cheese Crepe

For my late lunch, I went to Crave just outside the hotel I stayed, and order fried rice, coffee and granola bowl.  I didn't expect the fried rice to be such a huge serving, but thankfully everything tasted good and no food went wasted!

 The Craved

Chicken Fried Rice with Coffee

 Peanut Butter Granola Bowl

After the late lunch, it is important to walk the food away.  So I went to the beach again, and saw horseback riding! The horses looked majestic! Felt like trying out but decided not to torture the horses. I do not wish to break their backs with my weight.

Horseback Riding Along The Beach

Of course, in Bali, I got to end the trip with a party night at the beach. I decided to go back to La Plancha, the same bar I went to two years ago, with great view, great music and great food!  With the endless eating on the last day, I ended the day with a nice huge pizza with Bintang beer!

Great View of the Beach from 2nd Level of La Plancha

Chicken and Mushroom Pizza with Bintang Beer

It's the day to go back home, and in the wee hours on day 4, I woke up at 04 30 to get prepared for my 09 00 flight.  Packed everything and got a taxi via "My Bluebird" app again, which is cheaper than Grab, and just as good.  I reached the airport at around 06 30.  Did my check in as early as I could, and waited in one of the restaurant at the airport while getting my morning latte fix.  Time to go home!

Total "Damage" for this solo trip:

Flight + Hotel + Insurance: SGD 321.00

Food + Endless Cafes + Transport + Massage + Souvenirs + Tips + Tax: IDR 3,150 K

(Exchange rate I got for this trip is SGD 1 : IDR 11800; Total expenses is SGD 588.00)

Overall it's a relatively relaxing and chill trip for me, similar to the trip 2 years back.  No water activities, no nature trail and hike activities, no temple-visiting activities, just slack, and chill, and be laid back.  This is a recharging trip for me after the last Japan trip with my mum in May.  Looking forward to the next trip with my mum again to China this time (thanking my dividends in advance too)!  Barista FIRE, here I come...!


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