
Showing posts from September, 2024

Finding The Most Suitable Investing Methodology For Yourself And Stick To It

There are many strategies and investing methodologies, such as growth investing, dividend investing, value investing, all-weather portfolio investing and index (passive) investing.  Undoubtedly, the followers and practitioners of the respective investing methodologies will have their own reasons and biasedness on why their chosen method is 'better' than others, and I respect that.  Many times, due to our individual biasedness, when we prefer a certain methodology over others, we may also end up claiming that our chosen method is superior over others, and at the meantime, failed to notice some loopholes of the preferred method.  Therefore, it is through comparison, argument, justification and debate that we expose and highlight all pros and cons of the various methods, and hopefully we get to learn and improve from there on. For me personally, based on my character, the way I do things, and the personal data points from the day I started trading and investing in 2009, I conclude

Is the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) Movement Still Relevant?

The Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement in Singapore continues to have a dedicated following, but its popularity might vary among different groups.  For a quick recap, there were 5 popular FIRE strategies when I first came to know about the FIRE movement, namely traditional FIRE, Lean FIRE, Barista FIRE, Coast FIRE and Fat FIRE.  If you do not know about these, feel free to see my previous write-up on the different  FIRE strategies .  Some people remain enthusiastic about the principles of saving aggressively and investing wisely to achieve financial independence early in life.  However, the movement has also faced increasing scrutiny and adjustment as people realize the challenges and trade-offs involved in pursuing extreme frugality and early retirement, especially in high-cost cities like Singapore.  This is also evident when books like "Dying with Zero" gain popularity, further undermining the need for FIRE. As such, besides the revamping of FIRE from &q