Recommending Finance-Related Movies' Commentary

This is a very short post just to recommend good YouTubers I come across. 

For those who likes to watch finance-related movies like "Wolf of Wall Street" or "The Big Short" and the likes, and would like to watch more reviews of such type of movies before selecting personal favorites to indulge in the full movie, I would like to recommend this YouTuber to you, '麦肯锡说电影'. 

He has reviews on a wide selection of finance-related videos and documentaries.  What is most precious is when finance-specific terms appear in the show, the YouTuber will have a short explanation of the terms to help viewers understand the show better.  This definitely combines entertainment and education, providing value and learning opportunities to viewers.  

However, the only downside is that all commentaries are in Chinese.  Do enjoy the videos if you understand Chinese!  Personally I think his videos are enjoyable and easy to understand, even if it involves complex financial lingos.  

Another YouTuber who has done something similar is 'The Plain Bagel'.  He is not a stranger to the fin-fluencer realm, as he has 810K subscribers.  He is a financial content creator and has churned out many videos that serve to educate the public.  In addition, he has done a series on movie reviews which gave commentaries on the finance-related videos, and explained the financial lingos in the movies as well to help viewers understand the movie better.  

This will be a good choice for non-Chinese viewers, and also an alternative for others who prefers all content to be in English.  

In my opinion, both are good choices for financial-related movie reviews, but do note that they inevitably involve spoilers to the movies.  Hope you will benefit from the shows and learn something out of this entertainment.  Barista FIRE, here I come...!


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