Portfolio Update for July 2022

This will be a relatively short post, just to update on the transactions for the month.

For the month of July, volatility continues to be the main theme in the world markets.  The persistently high inflation and FED's action seems to have a fading effect on markets as after the announcement of rate hike by yet another 75 basis points in July, the markets actually rallied (DJIA up 1.37%, S&P 500 up 2.62% and NASDAQ up 4.06%).  The main factor that drives the markets is the 2nd quarter earnings of the major companies.  This time round, it seems like investors are pricing in possible looming recession, as share prices of companies which missed expectations slightly did not undergo any major sell-off.  Any bright spots reported will instead see a slight jump in their share price!  For the month, the S&P 500, DJIA and NASDAQ were actually up by an astonishing 9.0%, 6.5% and 12.3% respectively, making July 2022 one of the best month!

Closer to home, the Singapore market also had a relatively good month, up 3.2%.  My SGX Dividend Portfolio remains to be my sanctuary for the month supported by the recovery of the REITS.  The REITs also announced good earnings and business updates, and declared increasing dividends.  Overall I am loving the recovery for the month in both the US and local market, helping to push my portfolio back into the green year to date!

For this month, I injected only approximately SGD 4.5K capital buying the following shares:


             Parkwaylife REIT

US:       Apple


             JP Morgan


             VOO ETF

Total Portfolio Value only increased by approximately 4.8% to a new high of around SGD 450K.  In May, I made the prediction that markets may bottom out in 3rd Quarter of 2022.  However, in all optimism, markets had bottomed in June 2022 in the near term.  Is this the start of the next bull run?  Unlikely in my opinion.  Is this a dead cat bounce which will return to bear territory in the upcoming months?  I have no answer to this either.

The only thing I can do, and will continue to do, is to DCA into the market, and also reinvest the dividends back into the market to compound my portfolio.  Shall enjoy the green while I can.


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