Portfolio Update for October 2024
This will be a relatively short post, just to update on the transactions for the month. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quick update: Basically, all this while I have combined the investment capital that I am managing for my family with my own capital. Because of this, certain stocks in my portfolio are not shares that I would like to own, like Tesla, which is too volatile for my liking (just a personal opinion) but my family wanted. The investment capital for family makes up about 10% of the total capital of my investment portfolio. To simplify matters, I decided to take this opportunity to liquidate the portion of the portfolio (within the US Growth Portfolio) to return the capital and profits back to family. Therefore, in this sale, I will sell all Tesla shares in the portfolio, and a larger composition of the shares that I would like to lower my exposure. With this action, future quarterly updates of the portfolio will...